Friday 31 January 2014

Kim Kardashian Expresses The Full Range Of Her Intense Dislike For Her Stepmom In Court! Read Kim And Khloe's Depo Transcript HERE!

She does NOT hold back!

Kim Kardashian does not like her former
stepmom Ellen Pearson, and she's not afraid to
admit it to anyone.
Not even in the court of law!

The reality star and mommy went off the woman she never approved of marrying her late father
Robert Kardashian, and called her a "slippery
snake" amongst a whole lot of other stuff!
Kim and her sisters are asking the court for
$500,000 from Ellen for selling things they
believe did NOT belong to her to media outlets.
Meanwhile, Ellen is counter-suing for a whole
bevy of charges including defamation,
intentionally inflicting emotional distress, civil
harassment, a civil conspiracy to defame and the
public disclosure of private facts.
We're not sure if calling her a "slippery snake" is
going to help Kim's defense !

Check out the full transcript of Kim and Khloe
Kardashian 's deposition (below)!

"Q: What is your opinion of Ellen?

Kim: That she is a slippery snake.

Q: And what is that based off of?

Kim: Selling information on a family, making up
lies to benefit herself with the intent to harm

Q: So would it be fair to say that you dislike

Kim: Yeah, I dislike her. I think that she — I
don’t agree with her decisions as of late. And I
didn’t agree with her decisions when she
wouldn’t give us back property or ever since she
married my father, I haven’t agreed with her
decisions. I feel like there was an agenda there
— but I don’t think about Ellen. I don’t spend
my time worrying about her, because I try to be
a positive person.
Everyone is pushed to a limit, and no matter
how positive you are, you can look at someone
and say, wow, they are a slippery snake, they
make awful decisions that are hurtful. I’m not
going to try and do the same thing about her or
all of this information that I’ve said about her
today would have been in the tabloids, and I
could have done exclusives myself, but I choose
to try and live a positive life, and I have other
things to worry about than Ellen. But because I
call her a slippery snake, that is definitely my
opinion of her.

Q: When would you say that opinion of her

Kim: More recently, after she sold the diaries. I
tried to give her the benefit of the doubt when
they got married, thinking, like, okay, she’s
trying to push us out, she got married, you
know, she has an agenda. I tried to give her the
benefit of the doubt that maybe she was grieving
and have a hard time, but her actions proved
Soon-to-be Lamar Odom’s ex-wife revealed she
didn’t think Ellen was ever the right woman for
her dad.

Q: And why was that (that you & your siblings
didn’t like Ellen)?

Khloe: We just didn’t feel like she was a — a
good fit for my dad. They would fight a lot, and
they would break up all the time.

Q: You said your sisters were on the same page
as you, though, that you were all on the same

Khloe: That they should not be getting married,

Later, Khloe was grilled about where she was
when her father passed away.
Q: And do you know where your passed away?

Khloe: At our home in Encino.

Q: Were you there for his passing?

Khloe: Hours prior, not when it happened.

Q: Where were you — where were you during his passing?

Khloe: A friend’s house.

Q: Do you know if Ellen was there when your
father passed away?

Khloe: No, I do not know.

The youngest Kardashian sister was asked why
she posted messages on social media about
Ellen, calling her a ‘piece of trash.’
Q: Is it fair to say that you dislike her?

Khloe: I dislike what she’s done. I don’t know
her, like, at this moment to say that. I don’t
even know if I would know what she looked like
if she came in right now. I’ve kind of blocked her
out of my mind.

Q: Because of the things that she’s done?

Khloe: Yeah, I mean, I just — she’s just not — I
like to focus on positive people….for anyone that
loves someone and claims that this is their
husband, why would you do — and if you loved
them, you love their children, why would you do
something that would hurt their children — or
especially so many years later, why bring up
such — like our father’s passing, I don’t know if
you’ve ever lost a parent, but any sort it’s
devastating, especially of something so quickly.
Just, I don’t understand the timing of it. I don’t
get why ten years you wait, why all of this. I
could just — I thought it was very calculated and
cold thing to do, and also like re — it’s our
father, like let him rest in peace. Like that’s not
respect in my opinion.

Q: So you think that Ellen was being

Khloe: To my father. To her, quote husband —
that’s disrespectful.

Q: What about to you and your siblibings?

Khloe: Yeah, it’s disrespectful, but you should
respect us based off the fact we’re his children,
if she really loved. You love who they bring —
who your significant other bring to the table."

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