Thursday 22 May 2014

Wow!! Some Iranians Were Arrested For Making A Video To Pharrell’s song “Happy”... The reason for the arrest will make you laugh.

So apparently dancing in videos uncladed is against the law - By uncladed I mean not completely concealing your body leaving just a part of your face- in Iran...

6 young Iranians were arrested for uploading a video of themselves dancing throughout Tehran to Pharrell’s “Happy.”

The video showed three men and three women — all unveiled and skin to behold in "scanty" dresses — looking, well, happy as they dance and lip-synch to Pharrell’s hit.

Unfortunately, the authorities in Tehran weren't feeling too happy as they tagged the video too "vulgar" and arrested all six of them and forced them to apologize on national TV. 

It is said that under Islamic law, women are instructed to cover up properly from head to toe in public. This is a rule enforced and maintained by a caliber of police called "morality police"... How further hilarious can this get???

 The major reason for the arrest is that the vulgar clip hurt public chastity when it was released on YouTube. 

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