Saturday 1 November 2014

Meet the little girl who has got no legs but is a pro on skateboards...

Despite having had both her legs amputated, Rosie Davies loves to hop onto her skateboard and zoom up and down the street.

Two years ago she had her legs amputated at Birmingham Children’s Hospital in order to fix a life-threatening spinal condition - becoming one of only three other people in the world to undergo the pioneering surgery.

Yet despite her disability the spirited and chatty youngster is determined to do everything other girls do, including skateboarding.

“I feel perfect!’’ she told the Mail, after showing off her board skills.

“When it comes to skateboarding I have no fear. I’d love to have a go at volleyball too and I like playing football. And for Christmas I’d love to have my own specially adapted bike - that’s my dream.”

Mandy Collett, 47, who is also Rosie’s mother and full-time carer said “I called her my little Buddha because of the way her legs were

“I knew there was something wrong when I was pregnant, but no one would listen to me. When Rosie was born I was told that she would be stuck on a bean bag all her life. But she has proved everyone wrong.

“Since the surgery I’ve seen a dramatic difference. She can now stand up on her skateboard, pushing herself along, and even does tricks.

“She can see the world around her and the most important thing is she can join in playing with her friends.”

Rosie attends the mainstream Busill Jones Primary School, in Bloxwich, which has been specially adapted for her.

The plucky youngster, whose nine-year-old sister Mia-Alice attends the school, hit the headlines two years ago when she had the operation.

When she was born doctors had discovered that five bones which made up part of her spine were missing, leaving a 10cm gap in her backbone.

The rare spinal condition meant her organs, including kidneys, were in danger of slowly being crushed which could have had fatal consequences.

In the 13-hour operation Rosie’s legs were amputated below the knee and a section of bone was taken to bridge the gap in her spine. Two metal rods were then bolted to the upper spine and the hips to provide extra support.

Since the surgery, the youngster has suffered a set back when she developed an infection. It led to a kidney being removed along with the two metal rods last year.

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