Monday 16 February 2015


All these talks of “soulmates” and “perfect
partners” are romantic and fun, but quite frankly, i consider them bullsh*t. How can you possibly know who your soulmate is if you don’t even know your own soul?

People who jump from relationship to relationship aren’t lucky; they’re delusional especially if its just for the sake of being in one.

Anyone who’s been single for a while knows it’s a lot like running. It starts off painful, but after enough time, you catch a second wind and believe you run forever. The endorphins kick in, and you have no desire to stop anytime soon. You’re wrapped up in yourself and your mission, feeling free and effortlessly moving through life.

You’re not ready for a real relationship until you’ve reached one with yourself.

1. Spending time alone shouldn't scare you; it should invigorates you.
Everyone has to be alone sometimes. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, when you spend weekends or nights alone in your apartment, the idea shouldn’t terrify you. Instead, it should open you up to an exciting world of possibilities. You’re excited, not dreading, the time you have to explore all the passions and hobbies you picked up from learning about yourself.

2. You’re not looking for someone as a passion, but for someone to understand yours.
You know who you are; you know what you’re looking for. The men or women you date will have a certain specificity to them because you’ve defined yourself specifically. You have your passions, desires and dreams and only a certain type of person will understand and help you nourish them. You know what type of people you do and don’t get along with because you know yourself.

3. You’re not looking for someone to complete you, but complement you.
You complete yourself. You know who you are and what makes you happy. You find your happiness in your love for yourself, not someone else. You know your soulmate will add to your life, but won’t ever make your life. You found your purpose long ago and no one can ever take that away from you or replace it. You’re completely and absolutely in love with the only person who matters and your soulmate will just complement that love.

4. Yours goals are for yourself, not about someone else.
Loving yourself means having real goals, not just relationship ones. Your relationship with yourself is enough and the only thing you’re working toward is the kind of work to fulfill and sustain you for the rest of your life. Unlike the relationships so many strive for, you’ve found a relationship within yourself and are working toward something to complete you in another way.

5. A person will never be your world because you’ve already created your own.
If you know how to have a relationship with yourself, you’ll never experience the loss others feel when the love they gave to someone else is thrown in their face. When you go through an inevitable breakup, you won’t feel like your entire world has crashed. You had a world before them and will have it after, too.

6. You already know who you are, so you aren’t trying to be someone else.
Most relationships aren’t real because the people in them aren’t. Too many men and women refuse to take the time to get to know themselves and instead just become copies of people they think they need to be. They pick up personalities and personas, usually realizing too late they don’t even like the people they’re pretending to be.

When you’ve spent enough time alone, you know who you are and who you’ll never be. You’re free to enter a relationship without the danger of losing yourself.

– Lauren Martin/EliteDaily

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