Saturday 7 February 2015

LMAO: Brazilian Beauty Pageant Runner-Up Wrestles Crown Off Winner Before Storming Off Stage

20-year-old Miss Carolina Toledo was crowned Miss Amazon 2015 last week end after she won the contest. One of the competitors, 23-year-old Sheislane Hayalla decided she was very unhappy with the result.

In front of the crowd, Miss Hayalla suddenly launched forward and snatched the tiara off Miss Toledo's head, flung it onto the ground and stormed off stage. The assembled beauty contestants looked on in horror – seemingly unable to move – as events unfolded. Organisers were quicker to respond, with one man jumping onto the stage to retrieve the tiara as it rolled away.
On Saturday, according to Mail Online, Miss Hayalla – a model and biology student – said her rival had “bought” her victory, insisting that “money talks” and claimed Miss Toledo “didn’t deserve the title".

In a Facebook post that evening she wrote: “I do not accept injustice ... and will never let something go unpunished, but expressed my disapproval to the attitudes that were seen during the preparation for Miss Amazon.”

Miss Toledo has so far refused to comment on events during her crowning, instead releasing the following statement: “This is an unbelievable feeling. I don't have words to explain the way I feel.”

The winner of Miss Amazon will represent the state in the national contest for Miss Brazil.

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