Friday 28 February 2014

HORRIFIC: Man Kills 2-Year- Old By Smashing Him On The Floor During Fight With Mother

A man allegedly killed a 2-year-old boy in a
domestic dispute he had with his mother on
Tuesday, February 25, 2014.

Kehinde Ayelehin was in a fight with Faith
Oluwabunmi and in a fit of rage snatched the poor baby from her back and smashed him on the floor.

The tragic incident occurred at Alumaliu Igbose
Camp in Supare Akoko in Akoko South West Local Government Area. Ayelehin has been arrested by the Ondo State Police Command.

Punch reports:
It was gathered that the suspect snatched the child from the back of his mother, Faith Oluwabunmi, during a fight between them.

The incident was said to have occurred on Tuesday at Alumaliu Igbose Camp in Supare Akoko in Akoko South West Local Government Area.

Eyewitnesses say the man went for the baby when he obviously could not overpower the woman and angrily dashed the baby on the floor. The child was said to have died on the way to the hospital as sympathisers made efforts to save his life.

It was learnt that the fight ensued after Ayelehin
accused Oluwabunmi of giving the police information about him, which led to his arrest on Sunday It was gathered that the accusation led to an argument, which culminated in an exchange of punches before the little child was attacked.

The suspect was said to have made attempts to
escape after the act, but was caught by neighbours who handed him over to the police.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, Mr Wole Ogodo, said the suspect was being detained by the police.
He said, “The suspect’s action is cruel and wicked. He will be charged to court for murder. No person should take the life of another person no matter the circumstance.”

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