Tuesday 18 February 2014

Touching: A Homeless Man Won The Lottery! And He's Using His Jackpot To Help Addicts & Abuse Victims!

Homeless Hungarian László Andraschek only had a few coins to spend when he decided to
buy a lottery ticket.

In fact, the entire thing was a complete lark. He
says: "I had only picked six numbers and the
female shop assistant reminded me that I
needed to pick a seventh. I told her to make
it 24 – it doesn’t matter anyway."

That turned out to be the best decision he ever made, because that seventh number won him 630 MILLION forint, Hungary's biggest jackpot of
all time!

In American dollars, it's only about $2.8 million,
but hey, beggars can't be choosers, right? LOLz!

But László isn't wasting his second chance.
He's already putting a sizable portion of his winnings toward creating a foundation for addicts and victims of spousal abuse!

And he isn't doing it for the publicity either! No
one would even have known about the win if
they hadn't looked into a huge donation to a
homeless hostel!

Seems to us like the right guy won! Way to go,
László! Good thing, too, as there's a lot of work to be done there! It's a whole country full of Hungary people!

Culled: Perez Hilton

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