Wednesday 28 May 2014

Rapper Benzino was kicked off the airplane... Check out why

I guess everyday of their lives is a drama for these reality stars after all...

This time it’s Benzino from Love & Hip Hop Atlanta who got a bit perturbed and cursed out everybody around him after he was kicked off a flight yesterday (May 27, 2014). 

His profanity-laced outburst came after he claimed a flight attendant.racially profiled him on his flight. According to the gist, Benzino and his fiance’ Thi-Thi were reportedly the last people to board the flight and as soon as they took their First Class seats, a flight attendant demanded to see their tickets.

This he didn't find so funny, infact he found this insulting, and felt that the flight attendant only asked to see his tickets because he’s a man of color sitting in First Class.

Benzino then said an airline rep later apologized to him, telling him the airline was wrong to have attacked him that way and then gave him and Althea two Southwest Airline vouchers for $200.


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