Tuesday 27 January 2015

Graduate who spent months handing out his CV at railway station is now HIRING in the same spot

Determined Alfred Ajani, who found work after months standing at a busy station, has returned to the same spot with a "Now Hiring" sign. NICE

Successful Alfred Ajani, 22, who graduated from Coventry University in 2014 with a degree in marketing, took the unconventional approach to job hunting after he struggled to find work.

After submitting hundreds of job applications with little luck, he took to the Waterloo station in London last August. He stood inside, holding a sign with his qualifications written on them, and handed out his CV in an attempt to find a job.

His determination attracted the attention of several employers, and a few months later he started a new job.

Last week, Ajani, who is now employed as the marketing and PR projects manager at recruitment company, The Asoria Group, returned to the same spot at the station with a "Now Hiring" sign.

A photo of the act, which was uploaded to Twitter with the caption, 
"Same spot. Different sign," 
has resonated, gathering more than 2,200 retweets. Ajani says he's moved that his success story is able to give people struggling to find work a bit of hope.

He told the Huffington Post:
 "I didn’t expect to be so popular, such an inspiration. If I see anyone at the station with a sign I will do my best to get in touch with them."

In his new position, Ajani is working to help his company expand and as his job search comes full circle, he says his success is due to in his willingness to take a leap of faith.

"Don’t be scared to try something new," he advises other job-seekers. "Safe is risky."

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