Monday 16 February 2015

BUMMER!- I deliberately infected my wife with HIV – Actor, Hanks Anuku

Hanks Anuku who’s now a born-again Christian and based in Ghana, disclosed in an interview that he went to Zambia for six months in April 2011 without his wife and two kids to take part in plays teaching about HIV and AIDS. Little did he know that he was going to be his own student soon.

While he worked there, he led a very promiscuous life, sleeping with about 80 women. 

In his own words;
 “Life in Zambia was heaven on earth because we could enjoy life, moving in all places but I was missing my family. During that time I had quite a number of sexual activities and I slept with different women. 

"When I came back home I never took care of the family. I started drinking like a fish and became an irresponsible husband leaving the entire burden to my wife.”

The actor further revealed how he got an
HIV patient pregnant. 
He said, “I got tested while I was in Zambia after one of my girlfriends told me about her pregnancy. She had gone for pregnancy
tests and during that time she was tested for HIV and the results was shocking, she was positive. 

"She forced me to get tested but I could not come to terms with the results. After I got tested I came back to Zimbabwe and I kept quiet about the issue. I never told my wife about the issue. I infected her but I regret. I later on received some counseling and it went well.”

On finding Christ, he revealed, “During my peak of popularity I had sex with approximately 80 women, within Harare and Zambia. In 2002 it was so amazing to be on TV. I abused the fame. To make matters worse I lacked counseling and I failed to handle it properly, leaving me in this mud. I am now a born again Christian with UFIC under the guidance of Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa.”

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